Milano Classica - the Week of Korean Culture - Il mito di Orfeo

Milanoclassica - Week of Korean Culture
2015-07-12 21:00
PROGRAM of the Week of Korean Culture on July 2015 Milan Italy
Committe: Milano Classica Chamber Orchestra
Place: Palazzina Liberty Milano Italy
Period: 2015 July 9 -16
Here below the names of groups invited for partecipate to the activities promoted and organized by our Milano Classica Scarl in collaboration with Comune di Milano for EXPO 2015 within the project “Palazzina Per la Musica a Milano”.
Milano Italy Expo 2015 for music and culture Korean week from 9 to 16 July
2015 July 12
Il mito di Orfeo
C. W. Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice in Italian Language
Korean singers and chamber orchestra “Seoul Opera Ensemble”
Regia di Jang Soo Dong
Altre date
- 2015-07-12 21:00
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